A few more pictures of the recent damage to Duvelle Wood after the 2nd storm :-
Does anyone know this chap? Suspected of pushing our trees over!
A few pictures of the recent damage to Duvelle Wood :-
A challenging shot not for the faint hearted!
One of the bridges that escaped damage!
Not often seen an empty carpark
Need to be a gymnast to use this bridge
At least the cabin survived
Looks like the wood elves have been busy!
Building new bridges in readiness for our next open shoot.
The cabin gets a much needed sprucing up and re creosoting by Barry & Stu.
Mick Alldread, Dave Impey and Lewis have been very busy renewing the gents in readiness for our next open shoot.
Mick , Lewis, John And Kevan have been hard at it in the ladies loo now
The finished ladies facility
Warm work but the Duvelle Team have been hard at it again improving the drainage around the hut.
In no particular order:-John Pendalton and son, Kevan Suthan, John Horrobin and Wendy Horrobin and Mick Alldread moving gravel and pipe down to the hut. Digging the trench and putting pipe in trench and back filling with pea gravel
Warm work and the busy beaver Duvelle Team have been hard at it again laying a path around the hut to the toilets..In no particular order:-Lewis Chuck, Dave Impey, Mick Alldread & John Pendalton.
Beware some nudity is apparent!!
If you are of a nervous disposition then please look away now!
Dog just checking for obstructions!
And now as good as new!